Know Your Faith

   Dr. Wespetal’s wife, Nancy, is a Family Practice physician, who since 2003 has served as founder and director of Hope-in Action, a medical/evangelism outreach to villages in Ukraine, and subsequently in Ukrainian refugee relief in Poland. His daughter, Melanie, is a high school science teacher, initially in Kiev, Ukraine, and now in Tulsa, OK. His son, Matthew, is preparing for a carrier in computer programming.   

Thomas Wespetal

Bio and Education

   Dr. Thomas Wespetal was born in Racine, Wisconsin, in 1957. He graduated in 1983 from medical school and practiced medicine for several years before answering the call to full time ministry. He eventually completed a Ph.D. program in theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, where he defended his dissertation on the topic of the meaning of martyrdom. In 2008, in connection with his dissertation work, he appeared as an expert participant in a compendium on the suffering Church for the World Evangelical Association, which subsequently published a summary of his dissertation work on martyrdom.


   Dr. Wespetal is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, and served 4 years in pastoral ministry before beginning his teaching ministry. He served as a professor of theology and biblical exegesis for almost 30 years in the countries of the former Soviet Union, conducting his ministry in the Russian language.
